Daniela Leu, Dr. med. vet. (DVM)
Small animal practicioner and Cert. Vet. Ac. IVAS and FA GST in Acupuncture, Herbalist
1981 | Matriculation type B |
1981 – 1986 | Study of veterinary medicine in Zurich |
1986 | State examination as a veterinarian in Zurich |
1983 – 1988 | Work on the dissertation topic at the institute for pharmacology and biochemistry at the Veterinary Faculty Zurich |
1988 | Obtaining the doctorate |
1988 – 1990 | Work in a small animal practice in Zurcher Oberland |
1990 – 1995 | Stay abroad in the USA, further education in Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in the animal, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist IVAS |
1998 | Re-entry into Small Animal Medicine, advanced course |
1999 | Takeover of a small animal practice in Ruschlikon |
2002 | Specialist title camvet.ch for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine |
2016 | Relocation of “Kleintierpraxis Leu” to Bahnhofstrasse 41 |
2021 | Incorporation into Kleintierpraxis Leu AG |
pract. med. vet. Gabriela Grzegorzewska,
Small animal practicioner
2000-2004 | Licéum and Graduation in Pulave (Poland) |
2006-2012 | Studies at the University for Bioscience in Lublin (PL), qualification und title: Master in Veterinary medicine, Veterinarian |
2011 | Traineeship at the Pharmacy for Small Animals, Prof. Dr. Wojnar, Krakau (PL) |
2011 | Practical training with Dr. Cornelia Keune, Tierarztpraxis in Kronberg DE |
2012-2013 | Veterinarian at the Small Animal Clinic Dr. Marek Kulesza, Pulawy (PL) |
2017-2018 | GST-SVS trainieeship “Wiedereinstieg in die Kleintiermedizin“ Vetsuisse Fakultät Bern |
04-2022 | Practical training at Kleintierpraxis Leu AG, Rüschlikon |
01-2023 | Assistantship as Small Animal Clinician at Kleintierpraxis Leu AG, Rüschlikon |
Lynn Hug, Veterinary Nurse and Technician EFZ
2015-2019 | School for Practical Studies, topic Education and Design FMS Wohlen |
2020 | Certificate of Graduation in Design Schule für Gestaltung Wohlen |
2020-2021 | Bachelorstudy Applied Linguistics Zürcher Hochschule der angewandten Wissenschaften |
2021 | Practical training of 6 months as Medical Nurse Klinik Hirslanden Zürich |
2022 | Traineeship of 6 monts as Veterinary Nurse, Kleintierpraxis Bremgarten AG |
2022-2024 | Apprenticeship as Veterinary Nurse and Assistant Kleintierpraxis Leu AG |
06.2024 | Studies as Veterinary Nurse and Technician successfully completed |
Elin Lier,
TPA Learners 2024-2027
2015 – 2021 | Primary School Kappel am Albis |
2021 – 2024 | Secondary Level A, Hausen am Albis |
8.2024 until now | Apprenticeship as a Veterinary Medical Assistant, Small Animal Practice Leu AG, Rüschlikon |